Directories, primary education
- Association for the knowledge and transmission of volcanological information
- Explore Italy’s Volcanoes
- Global Volcanism Program – Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History
- History of Mount Vesuvius
- How volcanoes work
- MBARI -Submarine volcanism
- The Electronic Volcano – Dartmouth
- Vesuvius Volcano: 79 A.D. Eruption
- Volcanism and Hazards (Bill Leeman, Rice Univ.)
- Volcano DataBase
- Volcano Web
- Volcano World
- Volcanes de Canarias
- Volcano Teaching Resources
Volcano Observatories and Data Centers
- Alaska Volcano Observatory
- French Volcano Observatories
- Global Volcanism Program (Smithsonian Institution)
- Instituto Geofísico, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito, Ecuador
- Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV, Italy)
- Michigan Technological University Volcano Home Page
- Montserrat Volcano Observatory
- Mount Baker Volcano Research Center
- Nordisk Vulkanologisk Institut/ The Nordic Volcanological Institute (NVI)
- NOVAC (network for observation of volcanic and atmospheric change)
- Southern Andes Volcano Observatory (OVDAS) – Sernageomin
- U.S. Geological Survey Cascades Volcano Observatory
- U.S. Geological Survey California Volcano Observatory
- U.S. Geological Survey Hawaiian Volcano Observatory “Volcano Watch”
- U.S. Geological Survey Volcano Hazards Program
Professional Associations and Government and University Research Groups Around the World
- CSAV – The Center for the Study of Active Volcanoes> Univ of Hawaii at Hilo – Department of Geology
- IASPEI- International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior
- IAHS-International Association of Hydrological Sciences
- IVHHN – The International Volcanic Health Hazard Network
Natural Hazards Databases at NGDC - Pacific Science Association (PSA)The U.S. Global Change Research Information Office
- The Granular Volcano Group
- The Natural Hazards Mitigation Group at The University Of Geneva, Switzerland
- The Volcanological Society of Japan
- Università di Udine – Dipartimento di Georisorse e Territorio: Stromboli project
- University of Hawaii: School of Oceanography and Earth Science and Technology
- University of the West Indies
- Volcanic Simulation Group-sponsored by the sponsored by Gruppo Nazionale per la Vulcanologia
- World Organization of Volcano Observatories (WOVO)
Other Scientific Information, Publications, Image Databases and Photo/Slide Sets Related to Volcanoes
A Global Assessment of Active Volcanism, Volcanic Hazards, and Volcanic Inputs to the Atmosphere from the Earth Observing System. Providing information about the project activities of the NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) Interdisciplinary Science (IDS) Investigation Volcanology Team. EOS is a series of polar-orbiting remote-sensing satellites planned for launch starting in 1998 and spanning a period of at least 15 years. EOS is a major component of NASA’s Mission to Planet Earth.
- Fascination Volcano!
- Geology of Iceland
- Global Volcano Model
GVM is an international network that aims to create a sustainable, accessible information platform on volcanic hazard and risk. GVM will provide systematic evidence, data and analysis of volcanic hazards and risk on global, regional and local scales, and will develop the capability to anticipate future volcanism and its consequences. GVM has initiated as a partnership of 11 research institutes and organisations in the USA, Japan, Singapore, Italy, New Zealand and the UK, as well as three commercial partners from the insurance sector. GVM involves already well-established and widely known volcanological programs and networks, including the Global Volcano Program of the Smithsonian Institution, VHub, WOVO, WOVOdat and VOGRIPA (volcanic hazards database). GVM has been endorsed by IAVCEI. GVM complements other international natural hazards partnerships such as Global Earthquake Model. We invite volcanologists worldwide to browse the site and find out more about what GVM is about and how you might become involved. - Granular Volcano Group
The ultimate site for understanding granular flows, granular processes, fluid dynamic, supercomputer
modeling, and grain-size analysis in Volcanology, Geophysics, and Physics. - Images of Volcanoes with Maurice and Katia Krafft (Images de Volcans)
Created by the Conservatoire Régional de l’Image with about 3000 slides (a selection out of 300000) and several video clips made by Maurice and Katia Krafft. This web-site is in French but will also be available in English by the end of 2005.