Marc Szeglat / Unsplash

Online survey concerning volcano science in resource-limited contexts

Online survey concerning volcano science in resource-limited contexts

Do you identify as a volcano scientist working in a resource-limited context? If so, we would kindly like to invite you to take part in our online survey which can be accessed:

Feedback from this survey will channel directly into the establishment and the functioning of a new community-driven network that is being formed under IAVCEI, and which has the aim to facilitate and enhance the active integration of volcano scientists working in resource-constrained contexts (i.e. mainly within Low- to Middle- Income Countries) into the global volcanological community. The facilitation of respectful partnerships between scientists in different countries will promote both the creation and sharing of information, knowledge and tools in a sustainable way to bridge the gap in these data-sparse regions.

We would like to hear from as many volcano scientists worldwide as possible, including academic researchers, operational staff at volcano observatories or geoscience institutes, risk managers, staff at mapping agencies, etc. Therefore, please do forward the link to the survey within your networks. The survey will remain open until 17th May 2019.

For more information regarding the proposed network or questions related to the survey, please contact: &

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