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IAVCEI communications & announcements

IUGG Grants Program: Special Call – IYBSSD2022

IUGG Grants Program: Special Call – IYBSSD2022

Please note that the IUGG Bureau has decided to issue a special call for proposals to be dedicated to the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (IYBSSD2022; http://iugg.org/programs/2022-2023_IUGG_GP_SpecialCall_Guidelines.pdf).Applicants are encouraged to submit their applications electronically by July 31, 2022....

IUGG: Early Career Scientist Awards 2023 deadline

IUGG: Early Career Scientist Awards 2023 deadline

Dear IAVCEI members, The IUGG Early Career Scientist Awards (ECSAs) honour early career scientists for their outstanding research in Earth and space sciences and international research cooperation. The deadline for submission of nominations for ECSA is 20 June 2022. The nominations...

COV11 Conference in Heraklion (June 12-17, 2022) update

COV11 Conference in Heraklion (June 12-17, 2022) update

Dear members of IAVCEI and the volcanological community, the 11th Conference Cities on Volcanoes (COV11) in Crete (Heraklion, June 12-17, 2022) is getting closer and closer. See the details and final program at: https://citiesonvolcanoes11.com.The Conference will happen in a hybrid format....

IAVCEI Scientific Assembly 2023

IAVCEI Scientific Assembly 2023

We are happy to announce the update about the time schedules for our next Scientific Assembly in New Zealand, 2023. Please, click here to view the detailed poster on the full screen. You can also follow the new information at: Website: www.iavcei2023.orgFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/IAVCEI2023/Twitter: https://twitter.com/iavcei2023

COV11 has a new website!

COV11 has a new website!

Dear colleagues, we would like to inform you that our brand new website is now Online! Explore the unique experiences that will be offered in Crete and other locations of the annual premier event of IAVCEI, Cities on Volcanoes 11....

IUGG Awards 2023 – Call for Nominations

IUGG Awards 2023 – Call for Nominations

Dear IAVCEI members, It is a pleasure to inform you that IUGG announced the IUGG Awards 2023 – Call for Nominations. IMPORTANT before you read!!!Since the nominations have to be formally presented by IAVCEI, the nominations have to be sent directly to: iavcei@associationhouse.cz BEFORE May...