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Benefits of being an IAVCEI member

Benefits of being an IAVCEI member

Why become an IAVCEI member?

Scientific development

  • Join a vibrant and engaged community with many opportunities for networking, disseminating your science and expanding your reach.
  • Receive and contribute to the IAVCEI quarterly newsletters which contain the latest community news and information about members, commissions, networks, observatories and upcoming events.
  • Qualify for IAVCEI awards and medals
  • (for first-author IAVCEI members) Advertisement of publications in Bulletin of Volcanology on the IAVCEI website and in the IAVCEI social media (Bluesky, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X)

Engaging with the community

  • Have voting rights in IAVCEI commissions and networks and candidate for election to the respective leadership teams, as well as initiate associated working groups.
  • Have voting rights for and candidate to Executive Committee elections
  • Contribute to the development of IAVCEI Statutes and By-Laws
  • Be part of the IAVCEI mentorship program as either a mentor or a mentee.
  • Be part of the leadership team of IAVCEI networks and commissions

Conference support

  • Apply for travel grants to attend IAVCEI conferences and commission/network activities, including field trips and workshops.
  • Receive discounted registration fees for IAVCEI Scientific Assemblies as well as events organised by IAVCEI commissions and networks

Journal bonuses

  • Free access to Bulletin of Volcanology, the IAVCEI journal, that allows you to download all BV articles
  • Free Open Access publication in Bulletin of Volcanology: IAVCEI ECRs (see definition in S&BL) who are planning to submit a paper for which none of the authors come from a country or institution with a transformative agreement with Springer. For more details contact the Executive Editor at Bull.Volc@uea.ac.uk
  • 40% discount on Springer’s IAVCEI book series