DeltaWorks / Pixabay

IUGG 2019 Montreal – Important dates

Dear members,

The abstract and travel grants deadline for IUGG in Montreal is rapidly approaching. Please, consider to participate in our centennial General Assembly sharing your research with colleagues.
Do not miss our centennial party (open to all members) on Sunday, 14th of July!

Important dates:

February 18, 2019. Deadline for abstract and travel grant submission. EXTENSION TO MARCH 1st 2019, 15:00 CET

July 12-17, 2019. IAVCEI week at IUGG

July 12, 2019. Special symposium on IAVCEI centennial (entire day)

July 14, 2019. IAVCEI members’ assembly with presentation of Wager Medal and GPL Walker Prizes

July 14, 2019. An evening with IAVCEI. Celebrating 100 years of volcanology with food, drink and music

When inscribing to IUGG conference please remember to sign in as IAVCEI member!

See you in Montreal
The IAVCEI Executive Committee

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