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IAVCEI Commission Guidelines

IAVCEI Commission Guidelines

Commission Guidelines (Updated in March 2023)

The IAVCEI Executive Committee expects that Commissions will adhere to the following guidelines:

Each Commission should have an active leader or chair (point of contact) and board of officers (e.g., vice-chair, secretary, webmaster).

Leader(s) and board of officers must be elected by Commission members every 2 to 4 years.


Commission leaders and officers should be IAVCEI members, and are encouraged to promote IAVCEI membership within their Commission. In the case of inter-Association (joint) Commissions, mandatory IAVCEI membership only applies to the IAVCEI leader(s) and/or representative officers.

Commission leader(s) and board of officers should promote advances in Volcanology by coordinating the affiliated members, organizing workshops or meetings (in-person or/and online), and boosting the organization of working groups to study specific topics when necessary. These activities need to be organized at least once every two years.


IAVCEI usually supports the activities of its Commissions through partial financing of thematic workshops. Technical support for webinars or virtual activities may also be offered. All participants in workshops and webinars should be registered IAVCEI members. Requests for a membership fee waiver at these events are evaluated on a case by case basis.

Communication about Commission activities, including forthcoming workshops and programs at IAVCEI conferences, should be conducted via an e-newsletter and a dedicated website,  which should clearly acknowledge IAVCEI affiliation. IAVCEI will provide, free of charge, the necessary web space for hosting Commission websites. Commissions must maintain an up-to-date register of members.


Commissions should include at least one early career researcher in their leadership group/board of officers, and leader(s) and board of officers should promote the participation of early career researchers in the activities of the Commission.

Leader(s) and board of officers should promote collaboration with other Commissions, thereby strengthening the multidisciplinary potential of IAVCEI.

Leader(s) and board of officers should organize (or co-organize) symposia and workshops that contribute to IAVCEI/IUGG Scientific and General Assemblies and should promote the participation of their members at those Assemblies.

Leaders should provide a brief report on activities to IAVCEI Vice-Presidents every year, and are expected to attend Commission leaders’ workshops hosted by the IAVCEI Executive at IAVCEI Scientific Assemblies and at IUGG General Assemblies. If a Commission receives IAVCEI funding for an activity, then a report to the Executive Committee must be made one month after the end of the activity.

Commissions may be discontinued at the discretion of the IAVCEI Executive Committee if the guidelines above have not been followed for two years.


Finally, any proposal to create a new IAVCEI Commission should first be submitted to the Secretary General, before being evaluated by the Executive Committee.