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Wager Medal

The Wager Medal honors the memory of Professor Lawrence Rickard Wager of the University of Oxford, United Kingdom, who was born in 1904 and died in 1965. Professor Wager is best known for the discovery of the Skaergaard layered intrusion and the first detailed structural, mineralogical and petrological study of such intrusions. The medal is given every two years (i.e. at both Scientific and General Assemblies, to a scientist up to 15 years after the Ph.D. acquisition, who has made outstanding contributions to volcanology, particularly in the eight-year period prior to the Award.

Wager Medal


1974 Franco Barberi (Italy)
1974 J. Varet (France)
1978 R.S.J. Sparks (U.K.)
1987 Charlie Bacon (U.S.A.)
1993 Colin Wilson (U.K.)
1993 Claude Jaupart (France)
1998 Giovanni Macedonio (Italy)
1998 Jon Davidson (U.S.A.)
2002 Andrew Woods (U.K.)
2002 James Gardner (U.S.A.)
2004 Andy Harris (USA)
2004 Oleg Melnik (Russia)
2008 Joachim Gottsmann (UK)
2008 Alessandro Aiuppa (Italy)
2011 Amanda Clarke (USA)
2013 Antonio Costa (Italy)
2013 Fidel Costa (Singapore)
2015 Tommaso Esposti Ongaro (Italy)
2015 Mattia de’ Michieli Vitturi (Italy)
2017 Marie Edmonds (UK)
2017 Yan Lavallée (UK)
2019 Madeleine Humphreys (UK)
2023 Susanna Jenkins (Singapore)
2023 Yves Moussallam (USA)
2023 Michael J. Heap (France)

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