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Volcanic Surveillance and Crisis Management Award

Volcanic Surveillance and Crisis Management Award

The Volcanic Surveillance and Crisis Management Award honors the personnel from institutions or organisations responsible for monitoring volcanoes (volcano observatories and/or other institutions) that have made a remarkable contribution to the mitigation of volcanic hazards and volcanic risks. Volcano monitoring, eruption forecasting and the mitigation of volcanic hazards are key objectives of volcanologists and a duty of volcano observatories worldwide. Criteria for eligibility include: successful hazard assessment and mitigation efforts, and/or effective volcano surveillance and eruption forecasting and/or effective crisis management. This award will be presented every 2 years at the Cities on Volcanoes Meeting (CoVs).

Watch the Volcanic Surveillance and Crisis Management Award 2020.


  • 2018 – Center for Volcanology and Geologic Hazards Mitigation (CVGHM) (Pusat Vulkanologi an Mitigasi Bencana Geologi) – INDONESIA
  • 2020 – Instituto Geofisico Escuelo Polytecnica Nacional (IGEPN) – ECUADOR
  • 2022 – Seismic Research Center of the University of the West Indies – TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO