“Tephra: Chronology, Stratigraphy, Hazards, & Climate”

8-16th September 2024, Catania, Sicily, Italy

Dear colleagues,

The International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth Interior (IAVCEI) Commission of Tephrochronology (COT), Tephra Hazard Modelling (THM), and the INTegration of Ice-core, MArine, and TErrestrial palaeoclimate records (INTIMATE) network of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), warmly invite you to join them in Catania for a week of discussions and field trips centered around tephra!

Whether you specialize in tephrochronology, tephrostratigraphy, tephra hazards, or volcano-climate interactions, this conference is made for you!

The conference will feature an icebreaker (September 8), 3 days of presentations (September 9, 10 and 12), a mid-conference fieldtrip to Etna (September 11th), and post-conference field trips (September 13-16). Registration and abstract submission will open on May 13th, and close on June 17th and July 15th, respectively.

We have dedicated funds to support attendance of early career researchers (ECRs). A special issue with the Geological Society and American Geophysical Union will welcome papers on research presented at the conference. Please find more details on the conference below.

For those who might have experienced earlier registration IT issues, they have been largely addressed. However, if you are stuck on the payment window, please try disabling your Adblocker or try another device and/or browser. If problems persist, please reach out to

We look forward to seeing you in Catania!

Key Dates (and links)

May 13th 2024Abstract Submission Opens (Here)
May 13th 2024Registration Opens (Here)
May 13th 2024ECRs funding application opens (Here)
July 15th 2024Abstract submission closes (Extended)
June 17th 2024ECRs funding application closes
July 1st 2024Abstract acceptance and ECR funding outcome announced
July 15th 2024Registration closes

The latest details can be found in the circular below:

Katánie, Sicílie Itálie