Call for nomination for the IAVCEI “Volcano Surveillance and Crisis Response Award”

Inaugural call for nominations for the IAVCEI

Volcano Surveillance and Crisis Response Award

All IAVCEI members are invited to submit nominations for the IAVCEI Volcano Surveillance and Crisis Response Award, which will be presented at the Cities on Volcanoes meeting in Naples in September 2018.

Nominations may be made on behalf of an individual, individuals, or an observatory team, that has/have demonstrated exemplary service to the development of observatory-based volcanology and/or response to volcanic crises.

Nominations (instructions available on the IAVCEI website at this URL) should be submitted to Prof. D. B. Dingwell (, IAVCEI President and Chair of the IAVCEI Awards Committee by May 15 2018.

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Membership 2018

The registration system will open shortly. If you are inerested in becoming a member of IAVCEI or renew your membership, you might send a message to We will inform you as soon as the registration is available.

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