Conflict of Interest Policy

The purpose of the IAVCEI Conflict of Interest (COI) Policy is to prevent, to the greatest extent possible, biasing circumstances in the selection of IAVCEI honourees. This document guides the handling of COI in the selection of the awardees, promoting the values of equality, inclusiveness, excellence, and integrity to best serve and support our community.

Who can participate in the IAVCEI Nomination Process?

1. The following members are not eligible to nominate or be nominated for IAVCEI awards:

  1. All members of IAVCEI Executive Committee and Advisory Board during their term of office.
  2. Members of award committees during their term of office (only in relation to the award they are serving on the committee for).

2. The following relationships cannot participate in the nomination process:

  1. Family members, spouses, or partners.
  2. A former doctoral or graduate student, or a former postdoctoral fellow may not write a nomination letter for a former advisor but may write a supporting letter after five years of terminating their relationship with the nominee (beginning on 1 January after the year the relationship was terminated).

3. The following relationships need to be acknowledged and communicated to the award committees, but do not disqualify the individual from participating in the nomination or committee review process:

  1. Candidate’s current dean, departmental chair, supervisor, supervisee, laboratory director, an individual with whom one has a current business or financial relationship (e.g., business partner, employer, employee)
  2. Research collaborator or co-author within the last three years
  3. An individual working at the same institution or having accepted a position at the same institution.

IAVCEI Award and Advocating Committee Conflicts

  1. Any conflict of interest, or cause for bias either positive or negative, in the assessment of a nominee must be declared
  2. Chairs and members of award committees with mentor-mentee relationships (as listed above) must not participate in the deliberation, evaluation and voting process for that nominee.
  3. Members of IAVCEI EC and Advisory Board are not eligible to serve as active members of award committees during their term.
  4. Members of advocating committees are not eligible to serve as a member of an award committee that they advocate for.
  5. Members of advocating committees are eligible to nominate nominees.
  6. Members of the award committees cannot advocate for candidates during their term of office (only in relation to the award they are serving on the committee for).