The Committees
IAVCEI has two award/medal and one Advocating Committees.
- Award/medal committees
- Consist of 5 to 9 persons (including a committee chair selected by the EC).
- They must be members of IAVCEI with a record of distinguished research.
- Each committee has gender, regional, and discipline balance.
- If possible, at least one member of each committee should be a previous IAVCEI award/medal winner.
- Advocating Committee
- Consist of the Editor-in-Chief of the Bulletin of Volcanology, a representative from each IAVCEI network, and no less than five other IAVCEI members. The committee must represent the full range of IAVCEI disciplines, regions and membership, and ensure a balance between gender and demographic composition. One from among this group will be appointed as chairperson by the President.
- Responsible for encouraging and soliciting nominations, thereby promoting diversity of candidates. Nominations direct to Secretary General outside this process are always welcomed.
2023-2027 Committees
- VW2 committee (VSCM, Wager, Walker)
- Chair: Silvana HIDALGO (IG-EPN, Ecuador)
- Steffi BURCHARDT (Uppsala University, Sweden)
- Masato IGUCHI (Kyoto University, Japan)
- Ailsa NAISMITH (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
- Marco PISTOLESI (University of Pisa, Italy)
- Richie ROBERTSON (University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago)
- CFKT committee (Collective Research, Fisher, Krafft, Thorarinsson)
- Chair: James WHITE (University of Otago, NZ)
- Lizeth CABALLERO (UNAM, Mexico)
- Kathy CASHMAN (Oregon University, USA)
- Julia EYCHENNE (University of Clermont Auvergne, France)
- Mie ICHIHARA (University of Tokyo, Japan)
- Mike RAMSEY (Pittsburgh University, USA)
- Freysteinn SIGMUNDSSON (University of Iceland, Iceland)
- Advocating Committee
- Chair: Jenni BARCLAY (University of Bristol, UK)
- Marie EDMONDS (University of Cambridge, UK) (BV Executive Editor)
- Pablo FORTE (OAVV – SEGEMAR, Argentina) (ECR representative)
- Jon PROCTER (Massey University, New Zealand) (Indigenous Volcanology representative)
- Laura SANDRI (INGV, Italy) (WOVO representative)
- Gezahegn YIRGU (University of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) (INVOLC representative)
- Daniele ANDRADE (IG-EPN, Ecuador)
- Jon BLUNDY (University of Oxford, UK)
- Eisuke FUJITA (National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience, Japan)
- Peter LA FEMINA (Alfred Wegener Institute & University of Bremen, Germany)
- Jan LINDSAY (University of Auckland, New Zealand)
- Emma NICHOLSON (Liu) (University of Waikato, New Zealand)
- Blaire SCHOENE (Princeton University, USA)
- Mylene VILLEGAS (Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Philippines)