Financial Requests to IAVCEI

One of the missions of IAVCEI is to support the dissemination of volcanological and geochemical knowledge. As part of this mission, IAVCEI promotes and financially supports scientific meetings, workshops and schools (organised by its commissions and networks) aimed at increasing knowledge exchange across the international community, while supporting diversity.

The commissions and networks of IAVCEI are expected to organise workshops, field trips or similar activities every 2-4 years. These events may take place before/after the regularly scheduled central IAVCEI conferences (General Assembly, Scientific Assembly) or independently of them. The organisers will apply a registration fee sufficient to cover event-related expenses.

IAVCEI expects to be informed about the planned schedule ahead of announcement and requires that these events (which are open to non-IAVCEI members) are advertised as IAVCEI-events. After the event, the commission/network is expected to produce a report with 2-3 images and group photos to be published in the IAVCEI newsletter.

IAVCEI membership is recommended to all participants. Information on membership fees can be found at

Upon request by the commission/network leaders, IAVCEI offers to provide financial support for IAVCEI members to attend such scientific events. The range of possible financial support per commission/network event depends on the expected number of participants and the financial situation of IAVCEI:

Less than 100 participants3.000 €
100-500 participants5.000 €
More than 500 participants10.000 €

Travel grant allocation per participant that asked for travel support will be decided by the commission/network leader(s) and the local organisers. Travel grant awardees will be expected to actively participate to the event (e.g. oral/poster presentation, convenor, discussion leader). At the event, the travel grant awardees are expected to hand over electronic documents containing the following info:

  • Name and address
  • IAVCEI membership number
  • Receipts of travel expenses
  • Receipts of accommodation
  • Bank details (IBAN, BIC)

In general, reimbursements will be done after an event.

Financial contribution requests need to be sent to the IAVCEI Secretary General ( by email for evaluation. The commission/network leader(s) define a financially responsible person per event for accounting, collection of receipts and reporting. Please use the following form.