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What is IAVCEI

What is IAVCEI

IAVCEI stands for the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior. For more details about us, please see the preamble of the IAVCEI Statutes and By-Laws. For a full history of our first 100 years, please see this publication in Bulletin of Volcanology.

At the First General Assembly of IUGG (Rome, 2-10 May 1922), the Section de Vulcanologie became one of the constituent sections of the Union. This name was changed into Association Internationale de Vulcanologie at the Fourth IUGG General Assembly (Stockholm 1930). The present name of IAVCEI was adopted at the Moscow General Assembly in 1971. 

IAVCEI is run by an Executive Committee whose membership changes every four years. The Executive determines policies for the Association, enacting them through a series of Commissions and TaskGroups. IAVCEI aims to be outward-looking, seeks relationships with other international scientific organisations, and participates in international scientific projects. It aims also to maintain a robust publishing policy, encouraging the presentation of high caliber, volcanological research results, mainly through its premier international journal the Bulletin of Volcanology.

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